Tag: juice

Drink Your Vitamins!

Juices work the best if consumed within seconds of being freshly extracted from the fruit or vegetable. The most vitamins, minerals and other healthy elements are absorbed if you hold the juice in your mouth for a couple of seconds after swallowing.   Fresh juices are also superior to bottled or canned juices in terms of both taste and nutrition. They are the cheapest way […]

The Benefits of Juicing

Fresh juices are great at both rebuilding and cleansing the human body. They are nature’s own nutrient packed thirst quenchers, cleansers and nourishing tonics. They play an important part of a healthy life style, especially if you are in the process of rehabilitation or recovery. If you combine a juicing program with a wholesome diet and a regular exercise program you are bound to succeed! […]

How Taking Citrus Pectin Can Benefit Your Body

Pectin is used for more than helping set jams and jellies. It is technically a highly complex branched polysaccharide fiber present in all plant cell walls. It is used therapeutically to remove heavy metals, radioactive elements and other toxins from the body. It also helps lower cholesterol.  If you are trying to get the fat off or trying to relieve the pain of sore joints […]

The Benefits of Juicing Apples

They say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but drinking a glass of your own freshly apple juice every day is even better. Drinking pure apple juice goes even further helping to keep you gorgeous and healthy and also reversing some chronic conditions and diseases.   For instance, a study done at the University of Southampton in London found that eating just […]