The Benefits of Juicing

By Jennifer

Fresh juices are great at both rebuilding and cleansing the human body. They are nature’s own nutrient packed thirst quenchers, cleansers and nourishing tonics. They play an important part of a healthy life style, especially if you are in the process of rehabilitation or recovery. If you combine a juicing program with a wholesome diet and a regular exercise program you are bound to succeed!


Fresh juicing is not just for ailing individuals either. Whether you have good or bad health everyone can benefit from the expedient delivery of nutrients that fresh juice of all kinds can offer the human body. Drinking juice is simply one of the most efficient ways to ensure that your body remains in tip top shape.


Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain a broad array of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, purified water, proteins, carbohydrates and various co-factors that both enhance and complement individual nutrients so that your body gets the most nourishment it can from what you are consuming. As juices are absorbed by the digestive system they are economical when it comes to building your health. This is because it does not cost your body in terms of energy and complex digestive process to absorb the benefits of fresh juice.  Your body simply does not have to work so hard to obtain the benefits from juice as it does food. This is why a juicing fast can be so rejuvenating. It plays an important part in giving your body a break.


Furthermore a fruit or vegetable is juiced is full of fresh bioavailable components. It is not sitting around suffering from the oxidization process which happens once fruit or vegetable tissue is cut open and exposed to air.


once the juice is in liquid form the nutrients are easier for the body to absorb.  In fact the lining of the mouth absorbs many of the enzymes and nutrients in fresh juice. Drinking juice also gives the digestive system a rest by not stressing it out with the process of digestion.


Of course fresh juice is not really “fresh” unless the juice has been masticated or squeezed in order to extract the full amount of liquid from the full fruit. Juicing purists also extract the juice from the peels and seeds of a fruit or vegetable when they use a juicer to extract the clearest most fiber free liquid possible. The idea is to “drink your vitamins” rather than pay a lot of money to swallow them as non-live dead pellets that you buy in a health food store.