Category: Fitness

Great Walking Apps for Phones

If you are a walker there are a lot of great apps for iphones, Blackberries and other smart phones out there on the market and most of them are cheap, have trail versions that are free or are completely free.   Highly rated is the Walk meter which is one of the most advanced of the iPhone applications for exercise walking. You do not have […]

Dropping Pounds Means Dropping Your Baggage

Losing pound s is all about losing your emotional baggage. Many people who drop their resentments and emotional issues tend to lose weight as well. It is because psychologically they are not always triggered to eat by the negative thoughts from the past that are always in their head.   The reason that most diet and exercise programs don’t work is that they are based […]

The Relationship of Feelings to Fitness

Many people who put off exercising  are surprised at themselves and also disappointed in their own behaviors. Many of them, especially women, feel like failures which causes them to eat even more.   Your best tact is to get out of this “victim” position where you believe that you can’t win when it comes to taking control of your time.  Getting to that gym is […]

Procrastination Instead of Fitness

It is human nature to put things off especially when it comes to doing something we would rather not do like run for a couple of hours on the treadmill.  There is this part of ourselves that really enjoys avoidance; it can actually make us feel pleasure in our braids.   In fact evolutionary biologists say that we may even be hardwired somehow into our […]