Category: Fitness

HALT as Part of Your Fitness Rampage

HALT is a commonly used for acronym for the words “Hungry, Lonely, Angry or Tired.” The phrase is from the Big Book in A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) and it basically means that if you want to stay sane, if you do not want to make bad decisions and if you want to stay positive in life then you need to take care of yourself first. This […]

Keep A Food Diary to Watch Your Weight

If you are “eating your anger” it is important to keep your expectations realistic. “ Either the person sets weight loss goals that are not reasonable for them or they choose a diet or exercise plan that is too extreme or based too much on self-denial and deprivation.   Doctors say that the most reasonable and healthy expectation that you can have from any kind […]

Store-Bought Juice is Not That Healthy

Juice you buy from the store is not horrible for you but it is not your best option if you want to be well nourished.  The liquid you buy in a bottle or can is not that fresh and by the time most juices reach the store shelves they have lost most of the enzymes and vitamins that are so good for you.  Although hydrating, […]

Keeping Your Weight Loss Expectations Real

If you are “eating your anger” it is important to keep your expectations realistic. “ Either the person sets weight loss goals that are not reasonable for them or they choose a diet or exercise plan that is too extreme or based too much on self-denial and deprivation.   Doctors say that the most reasonable and healthy expectation that you can have from any kind […]