Category: Fitness

The Benefits of Zumba

If you are looking to work out you have probably heard the saying “Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! This is the marketing slogan for Zumba fitness all over the world. In fact, Zumba fitness classes have become so popular that they are performed by more than twelve million people at 110,000 sites. It is also a fitness class that is offered in 125 countries […]

The Benefits of Juicing

Fresh juices are great at both rebuilding and cleansing the human body. They are nature’s own nutrient packed thirst quenchers, cleansers and nourishing tonics. They play an important part of a healthy life style, especially if you are in the process of rehabilitation or recovery. If you combine a juicing program with a wholesome diet and a regular exercise program you are bound to succeed! […]

Wearable Feedback Technology

One of the biggest developments in fitness technology is wearable feedback. You attach these mini-computers to your wrist your torso, your shoe or anywhere else that has a strap or a strip.  These devices are made by Garmin, Polar Training Computers, Fitbit Ultra, Fuelband and Nike Sportband.   The value of this technology is that you get constant feedback on your activities. They track distance, […]

How to Protect Your Back

If you injure your back you are not going to exercise. This is antithetical to losing weight and keeping fit.   Here are some tips on how to protect your back from injury –   If you stand for long periods of time it is best to stand with knees flexed and if possible try to periodically rest one foot and then another on a […]