Author: Jennifer

The Rules of Doing Tai Chi Correctly

When you practice tai chi exercises you don’t have to get them perfect. However there are some basic guidelines that you need to enjoy the maximum health, mental and spiritual benefits of doing them.   The first thing you need to be mindful of when you do Tai Chi is how you turn directions. Most people get the hang of this when they practice in […]

Why You Need Beta-Carotene

If you are going to work out, stay fit and stay young then you need to make sure you get enough Beta-Carotene. You body cannot manufacture Vitamin A without beta carotene. Beta carotene is a nontoxic precursor (building block) of vitamin A and a major component of the body’s natural antioxidant defenses.   Beta carotene is most useful when it comes to the fight against […]

Animal Work and Tai Chi

Tai Chi is historically a form of animal work that is based on animals in nature. As in yoga, many of the postures are based on the stances that animals take. In the twelfth century there was a master named Chang San-Feng.  Chang is said to have observed five animals that are also cornerstone animals in feng shui- the-tiger, dragon, leopard, snake, and crane–and then […]

How Taking Citrus Pectin Can Benefit Your Body

Pectin is used for more than helping set jams and jellies. It is technically a highly complex branched polysaccharide fiber present in all plant cell walls. It is used therapeutically to remove heavy metals, radioactive elements and other toxins from the body. It also helps lower cholesterol.  If you are trying to get the fat off or trying to relieve the pain of sore joints […]