Category: Fitness

Extreme Dieting Sabotages Weight Loss

If you try too hard to lose weight it is not going to happen. Any time you set up expectations of yourself that you cannot meet you end up gorging on the wrong foods.  Not only do you gain weight but you also feel like a failure. The real way to lose weight is to be reasonable about it and try to only lose two […]

Ways to Beat Food Cravings

If you are trying to stay fit or lose weight your food cravings can really do you in!  Many people who first embark on a fitness program have genuine cravings that are the result of changing long-term eating habits. Many are caused by genuine cravings for a nutrient but mostly there is a psychological component.  People who are addicted to sugar will have very strong […]

Tips for Cooking to Lose Weight

Sometimes losing weight is all about food preparation. You can cut hundreds of calories from your daily diet by just making a few practical changes. First off, roast your vegetables. The process makes the vegetables taste sweeter. You can puree them or serve cold roasted vegetables with salads. You can also mash them and use them as a base for soups and salads. Roasted vegetables […]

Personal Habits to Help You Live Longer

Want to live a longer, healthier life?  Adopting any of the following habits can help you achieve this goal. First of all start walking. Walking just a half an hour a day can cut your risk of having a heart attack in half. Walking half an hour five days a week can also help you lose about a pound a week. This reduces your risk […]