Author: Jennifer

How Blood Pressure is Measured for Fitness

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force with which your blood is pumped through your body. Pumping blood places pressures on the walls of your arteries and the blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart. It is comparable to water flowing through a hose. The more pressure there is, the more likely the hose is to burst. Too low and the hose […]

Meditation Bells

Meditation bells are an indispensable element of the Zen Buddhist practice of Zazen, or meditation conducted from a seated position. The bell is traditionally rung three times to signal the beginning of the meditation session, a practice known as shijosho.  The session concludes with the bell ringing once, called hozensho. The practice of bell-ringing will also occurs during walking meditation, or kinhin.   The most […]

Guided Imagery Meditation

  Guided imagery meditation is a direct-stimulation experience incorporating elements of hypnosis and relaxation exercise. It is unique in meditation practice both for its use in secular therapy and its shifting goal-oriented procedures: the practitioner often enters into the process to address or search for a specific problem, which may be repeated or replaced for a different goal the following session. In this way it […]

Meditation Retreats

Meditation retreats are a popular form or component of traditional spiritual retreats, which involve isolation from the everyday stresses of the wider community for the purposes of solitude, contemplation and spiritual relief.  They are organized all over the world and commonly take place at remote locations outside urban centers.   Known to have been in practice over 5,000 years ago, meditation in its many forms […]