Alpha Lipoic Acid Keeps You Fit and Young

By Jennifer

If you are trying to stay fit and look as young as possible than you might try supplementation with Alpha Lipoic Acid. Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the most potent multi-taskers when it comes to increasing the effectiveness y of the antioxidants you get through fresh foods and supplements.  This supplement  is often called the “universal” antioxidant because of its ability to boost glutathione levels in cells.  High levels of this can help everything in your body function better including your brain, muscles, joints and immune system. You will perform better and get the weight off faster.


To understand why alpha lipoic acid is so important you need to understand the role that it plays in producing glutathione. Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful antioxidants, helping to detoxify xenobiotics. Xenobiotics are those synthetic chemicals believed to be resistant to environmental degradation that are consumed through the air, skin and food consumption. Glutiathione is destroys, decomposes and eliminate disease causing free radicals from your body. This is because many of these chemicals and synthetics end up in the liver and alpha lipoic acid helps raise the levels of glutiathione so that the liver can eject the toxins. This way they don’t end up in your joints or in other places in your body.


Alpha lipoic acid has potent antioxidant effects action in almost all the tissues of the body. It is also a co-factor that aids many of the key enzymes (alpha keto acid dehydrogenases) that are involved. Supplementation with alpha lipoic acid can also help bring more oxygen to the brain (thus improving comprehension and memory) as well as give a person a renewed sense of vitality


Research in the last decade has strongly implicated cellular oxidative damage caused by free radicals from xenobiotics as the cause of many degenerative disorders (especially the mysterious ones such as fibromylagia, and food sensitivity and allergies). Alpha lipoic acid is invaluable as it has a chelating action that gathers these metals from the intracellular fluid and helps them be excreted outside the body. In the end, this helps you keep fitter than you ever thought possible.


Research on alpha lipoic acid, there have been no reported serious adverse side effects, even at the high doses. Among the mild, reversible side effects found in some patients have been allergic skin reactions and possible hypoglycemia in diabetics so if you are at risk for either disorder perhaps be careful when you take this fitness supplement.