Using a Stairstepper to Build Killer Abs
If you are apple shaped or pear shaped then there is no better remedy for getting rid of all that weight then to get on the stair stepper for twenty minutes every day.
To some the stairstepper machine may seem old school especially because it has been replaced by the elliptical traine that also exercises the top part of the body. However not all people want to build muscles on the top half of their body . That is where using the stairstepper rather than the elliptical trainer becomes a big must. In fact the stair stepper might be a better option than an ellipitical trainer if you really need to focus more on the lower body, the belly or the hips.
Although the stairstepper is considered is hard on the joints compared to an elliptical trainer, it is still, in general categorized as a low impact form of exercise that does not affect the knees and ankles and hips as much as running up and down a flight a stairs or jogging or running would.
Most stairsteppers also have settings that can allow you to choose whether you want a low impact work out or a much more challenging one. The stair stepper is also easier on the hips because the natural climbing motion of the machine cushions the stepping.
If you use a stairstepper you will see results on your glute muscles and quadriceps unless you sabotage yourself by putting your weight on the handrails. Many people using a stair stepper do this unconsciously, especially if they are fataibued. To avoid displacing your weight on the handrails avoid gripping them unless you absolutely must.
To get the ultimate benefits of stair stepping many trainers advise using the three-minute approach. Set the machine at level 1 and exercise for three minutes. After that three minutes is up set the machine at level 2 and exercise at that level for three minutes. Most machines have five levels which means that it would take you fifteen minutes to get to level five. This helps you really peel off the pounds.
Aerobic activity is also a fantastic stress reliever. Stair stepping cannot only help you to maintain your overall fitness but it can also help you have a mind that remains stress free.
If you do have problem with your knees stair stepping is not really recommended. An elliptical trainer is probably better for you as it causes less joint stress.