Tag: stress

The Causes of High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure than you may be informed that there are two different kinds. There is essential or primary hypertension and there is secondary hypertension.   According to the American Heart Association, there is no single identifiable cause of primary hypertension, but the causes of secondary hypertension are a little more obvious.   However, there are many factors that are well known […]

Guided Imagery Meditation

  Guided imagery meditation is a direct-stimulation experience incorporating elements of hypnosis and relaxation exercise. It is unique in meditation practice both for its use in secular therapy and its shifting goal-oriented procedures: the practitioner often enters into the process to address or search for a specific problem, which may be repeated or replaced for a different goal the following session. In this way it […]

About Meditation Classes

A popular tradition practice for over five millennia, meditation is based on deep concentration leading to awareness and development of the spiritual side of the individual. Meditation is a requirement of the leading faiths of the world and continues to grow in both religious and secular practice. As a result of the widespread and diverse nature of meditation for the student, meditation classes cover a […]

The Benefits of Playing Golf

Playing golf is not only a great distraction it is also good for your health. It is one of those games that is subtly physically invigorating without being too strenuous. The constant walking, swinging and breathing in of fresh air creates natural drugs called endorphins that are released into your bloodstream. The reason it is so good for you is that most of the movements […]