Tag: muscle

The Benefits of Using HGH for Body Building

If you want to bulk up for body building then HGH injections or powder solutions may be exactly what you need. Human Growth Hormone or HGH as it is commonly called has been in use by both amateur and professional body builders since the early seventies.  When HGH is taken with the right combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises it can help shed fat and […]

Why Synthetic HGH Injections Could Be Bad for You

Synthetic HGH injections are not a bad thing. They have been in use since 1985. However even though it is preferable to getting the hormone from corpses, this type of HGH can be very expensive.   Synthetic HGH works well! In most people it will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, melt belly fat, and build lean muscle mass and improve your mood. There is probably […]

The Benefits of Playing Golf

Playing golf is not only a great distraction it is also good for your health. It is one of those games that is subtly physically invigorating without being too strenuous. The constant walking, swinging and breathing in of fresh air creates natural drugs called endorphins that are released into your bloodstream. The reason it is so good for you is that most of the movements […]

Can Biomesotherapy Help Sore Muscles?

Biomesotherapy is an ancient therapies that is used as an alternative form of pain management.  This treatment is a hybrid of traditional homeopathic and Asian acupuncture therapies and involves inhalants and saline injections into specific trigger points on the body. When both therapies are given together they have a synergistic effect that helps the body help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort. It is good for […]