Tag: exercise

Watch for Cheap Green Tea Supplements

If you are going to buy a green tea weight loss supplement make sure that you are willing to invest in buying a quality product. The bottom line is that the cheap green tea weight loss supplements simply do not work. If you buy a cheap green tea supplement it might be cut with all kinds of binders, fillers and even supplemental weight loss ingredients […]

The Benefits of Playing Golf

Playing golf is not only a great distraction it is also good for your health. It is one of those games that is subtly physically invigorating without being too strenuous. The constant walking, swinging and breathing in of fresh air creates natural drugs called endorphins that are released into your bloodstream. The reason it is so good for you is that most of the movements […]

The Benefits of Massage

Massage has been a part of a healthy fitness regiment for centuries.  It improves general health because it is treats every part of the being including the physical body, the mind and the psyche. Aside from physically encouraging muscles to relax, massage also relieves stress, tension and anxiety. People trying to stick to a fitness plan can feel quite unwell for many reasons.  Sometimes it […]

Is Fasting For You

Fasting means going without food for a period of time. It is the quickest way of eliminating toxins from the body while at the same time allowing the digestive system to rest and repair itself. The usual length of time for a juice fast is one to three days. Do not think that a juice fast is somehow not effective because you were not able […]