Tag: diet

Simple Food Substitutions for Fitness

Forget the lemon and maple syrup cleanses and fad fasting for now. You can fight the flab simply by making a few substitutions in your diet.   If you have been eating a lot of lettuce switch up with kale, spinach or chard. These greener and leaner salad ingredients have more than triple the iron and vitamins of iceberg lettuce which means that you are […]

Avoiding Transfats to Get Healthy

You can diet, you can exercise but if you are still eating unhealthy transfats in the form of palm oil or vegetable oil then you are not going to get healthy or thin. This means that in order to get thin and lower your cholesterol you need to avoid  eating margarine, fried foods, baked goods and fast foods. You should also avoid food items saturated […]

Health Risks of High Cholesterol

Medical evidence strongly indicates that high cholesterol levels can cause narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), heart attack and stroke. This is because cholesterol can build up in the artery wall (restricting the flow of blood to your heart, brain and the rest of your body.)  It can also accelerate the development of a lethal blood clot in a blood vessel anywhere in your body! Your […]

Tips for Cooking to Lose Weight

Sometimes losing weight is all about food preparation. You can cut hundreds of calories from your daily diet by just making a few practical changes. First off, roast your vegetables. The process makes the vegetables taste sweeter. You can puree them or serve cold roasted vegetables with salads. You can also mash them and use them as a base for soups and salads. Roasted vegetables […]