Avoiding Transfats to Get Healthy

By Jennifer

You can diet, you can exercise but if you are still eating unhealthy transfats in the form of palm oil or vegetable oil then you are not going to get healthy or thin.

This means that in order to get thin and lower your cholesterol you need to avoid  eating margarine, fried foods, baked goods and fast foods.

You should also avoid food items saturated fat. These fats occur naturally in meat and dairy products. The problem is that when they enter your body they tend be stored as fat in your hips, your ribs and stomach.

A study from John Hopkins University suggests that this type of fat is the type that is most likely to be stored directly on your abdominal muscles. The higher your diet is in saturated Avoiding Transfats to Get Healthy

fat the higher your cholesterol level is and the higher your risk for heart disease and some kinds of cancer is…

Researchers at John Hopkins analyzed the diets of 84 people and performed an MRI on each of them to measure fat.  Those who had the highest rates of abdominal fat had their risk for heart disease and some types of cancer significantly rose.

And surprise! These people also had the highest cholesterol levels as well!

One of cholesterol reducing foods is extra virgin olive oil. It increases HDL cholesterol (the good kind) that results in the cleaning of arteries from buildup of plaque. The net result over time is a much lower cholesterol level. It is recommended that you eat high fiber food items like green leafy vegetables and green salads. They should form an essential part of your daily diet.

At the same time tries to eat whole wheat bread as compared to refined flour bread. Plus whole grams and pulses are preferable to polished ones. Sprouted or raw grains should be eaten frequently to also help lower your cholesterol

In a nutshell a diet that contains extra virgin olive oil and more vegetables probably work best to lower cholesterol quickly. This, of course means eating more raw foods with oil of them which simply put just simply is an order to “eat more salad!”

Simply do not keep foods that are high in cholesterol in your house. Only have healthy foods such as canned or dry beans, fresh fruits, whole grains, vegetables and vegetable juice on hand.

Get rid of the butter and margarine and replace them with canola oil, olive oil or plant sterol spreads.

Look for foods that are specifically designed for low cholesterol and heart healthy diets. These are foods that have been fortified with plant stanols and sterols which help block the absorption o cholesterol.