Why You Need Beta-Carotene

By Jennifer

If you are going to work out, stay fit and stay young then you need to make sure you get enough Beta-Carotene. You body cannot manufacture Vitamin A without beta carotene. Beta carotene is a nontoxic precursor (building block) of vitamin A and a major component of the body’s natural antioxidant defenses.


Beta carotene is most useful when it comes to the fight against toxic free radicals. Free radicals are produced in normal metabolism when oxygen is used to burn food for energy. Free radicals are also produced when the body is diseased, stressed, toxic responding to trauma. If your body is busy constantly fighting free radicals then you will not be in any shape to exercise or work out.


There are many factors that can cause the body to need supplementation with beta-carotene. Prolonged exposure to sunlight, smoking and even vigorous exercise can cause a shortage of this antioxidant in the body. One way to increase your intake of beta-carotene is to eat carrots and other yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. However by the time you are manifesting symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency such as vision impairment, fatigue, bone loss and persistent infections you are probably in need of supplementation in capsule form. This is because it is considered to be one of the less efficient antioxidant when it comes to being readily metabolized and converted by the body for use against fighting damaging free radicals.


Beta carotene is also considered to be a flavonoid. Flavonoids are phenolic compounds that give vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, leaves, flowers and bark their bright colors. The color associated with beta carotene is orange and yellow.  Think about consuming more apricots, yellow peppers, grapefruit, lemons, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and yam.


Flavonoids are anti-carcinogens that also have some anti-inflammatory properties. If you are experiencing a lot of pain when you work out then it might due to a lack of Vitamin A getting through in your body.  Your body may manufacture more of it if you are supplementing with adequate amounts of beta-carotene. Supplementation with Vitamin D can help Vitamin A absorption as well.


If you don’t have time to “eat your carrots” then beta carotene is the way to go to make sure your body is manufacturing enough Vitamin A and absorbing enough flavenoids, phytochemicals and antioxidants to keep you healthy and able to go to the gym, swim and work out every day.