Necessary Self Care is a Fitness Goal

By Jennifer

If you are running around with hang nails you have not attended to or in the wrong size clothing or without necessary dental care then you are probably no psychologically or physically fit. It is crucial take care of the smaller details in their life, such as clipping their toe-nails, picking up after themselves or doing the dishes. If this is you, and the problem is chronic, then you need to make self-care a personal goal.


People who are desperate for money, under critical stress or looking after sick people sometimes do not know what to do with themselves if their lives are returned to the.  After the crisis they need focus on how to keep up personal hygiene—brushing our teeth, taking showers, using deodorant—not only to stay healthy but also look and smell great.


It’s sometimes a chore to “do the right thing,” but we do it because it pays off.  Working out can be dull but it is the way to health.  Quitting a bad habit like drinking Cola or smoking is hard too but it must be done to maintain our health.


Eating well and taking care of our health is sort of the same thing.  Only with food it is somehow a challenge to choose wisely because it is so much fun to indulging.  We start believing that life is short and that we can’t afford not to eat these treats especially if we are rewarding ourselves with food because of a crisis. Learning how to cope emotionally often helps us cope physically as well.


The problem here is that when we indulge we are not focusing on the future consequences of our decisions such as diabetes, heart trouble, weight gain and digestive problems.


When you feel that you are losing your will to continue the fast or like you want to break down and eat foods that are bad for you consider the following consequences of a bad diet.  Tell yourself what you need to hear such as “Junk food causes me to put on pounds.”. “ I can’t afford to get sick.”


That is when you have to ask yourself – “was that dessert after dinner really worth the consequences?”


To be happy in life, you need to be healthy or you will not be happy even if you do achieve great success and you most certainly won’t achieve psychological or fitness health either.