The Benefits of Tai Chi

By Jennifer

Tai Chi benefits both mind and body and in fact you could say that the purpose of doing a Tai Chi routine is to integrate the two so that they function seamlessly together.


In terms of physical benefits, a Tai Chi routine can help massage internal organs, get rid of gas, help the digestive system to eliminate more efficiently, relax tense back muscles and improve your sense of direction and balance.  It helps a person achieve deep sleep at night and be alert yet rested during the day.


As it is considered to be a weight bearing exercise it also helps people who are suffering from osteoporosis. It is low impact so even people with very serious disorders can usually manage the routine.


One of the ways that Tai Chi improves muscular tension and aches and pains is through the improvement of your posture. As your posture improves your organs also work more efficiently as less pressure is put on them from slouching.


Mentally the discipline can help you to develop focus and concentration. You become mindful in a serene yet astute manner. You are easier able to see the big picture and if you are a student you will be able to study for longer hours.


Tai Chi is also recommended for individuals who are trying to recover from an addiction. The deep breathing done in Tai Chi is very detoxifying and also very calming. It teaches the addict to “own” their body again instead of letting it be owned by a craving for a drug.


Tai Chi can help you become more coordinated because the postures in the sets are designed to animate the energy centres in your body. Many people who practice them experience better reflexes, improved posture and less muscle tension and strain.


However the benefits spiritually and mentally are what seem to blow most people’s mind when they become addicted to this ancient discipline. The benefits include a calmer and more tranquil mind and also a better connection to the higher self.  You are also less vulnerable to stress, especially those caused by emotional distractions and will be able to work, study and dream longer.