Tag: hypertension

Supplements That Help High Blood Pressure

If you have blood pressure there are some supplements you can take that might help you lower it.  Most of them are natural enough that you can take them along with any prescription drugs that a doctor recommends for you, however it is best to check with your M.D. before you take any type of supplement.     A mineral that is essential in helping […]

The Causes of High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure than you may be informed that there are two different kinds. There is essential or primary hypertension and there is secondary hypertension.   According to the American Heart Association, there is no single identifiable cause of primary hypertension, but the causes of secondary hypertension are a little more obvious.   However, there are many factors that are well known […]

Fitness Levels and Anger Levels

Anger can be a killer. Whenever we get angry our bodies release powerful chemicals enter the bloodstream to prepare you to battle or run from the situation. During this “fight or flight response your body enters a high energy state where: •        Breathing increases and blood is sent to the muscles •        Your pupils dilate and sharpen your vision •        Your thoughts become less rational […]