Tag: fit

The Benefits of Zumba

If you are looking to work out you have probably heard the saying “Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! This is the marketing slogan for Zumba fitness all over the world. In fact, Zumba fitness classes have become so popular that they are performed by more than twelve million people at 110,000 sites. It is also a fitness class that is offered in 125 countries […]

What You Need to Know About Ephedra

Should taking ephedra be part of a natural weight loss plan? It’s natural, ancient and included in many weight loss formulas but does that mean it is good for you?   Ephedra is sought after because when it comes to weight loss because it really is a solution. It absolutely  causes the pounds to peel off. However this is one of those bullets that can […]

Alpha Lipoic Acid Keeps You Fit and Young

If you are trying to stay fit and look as young as possible than you might try supplementation with Alpha Lipoic Acid. Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the most potent multi-taskers when it comes to increasing the effectiveness y of the antioxidants you get through fresh foods and supplements.  This supplement  is often called the “universal” antioxidant because of its ability to boost glutathione […]

Why You Need Beta-Carotene

If you are going to work out, stay fit and stay young then you need to make sure you get enough Beta-Carotene. You body cannot manufacture Vitamin A without beta carotene. Beta carotene is a nontoxic precursor (building block) of vitamin A and a major component of the body’s natural antioxidant defenses.   Beta carotene is most useful when it comes to the fight against […]