The Benefits of Juicing Apples

By Jennifer

They say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” but drinking a glass of your own freshly apple juice every day is even better. Drinking pure apple juice goes even further helping to keep you gorgeous and healthy and also reversing some chronic conditions and diseases.


For instance, a study done at the University of Southampton in London found that eating just two apple as a week can reduce your risk of developing asthma by as much as 32%!  If that is a fact then just imagine what drinking the pure vitamins, minerals, antioxidants flavenoids,  and other nutrients in apples can do for you if you drink them as a juice.


Squeezed fruit juices are dense with nutrients and almost become like a healing tincture in a glass. It gets into your system very quickly because it is a raw liquid that is lively with enzymes.


Juicing your apples in an inexpensive way to get most of the vitamins you need in a day. Furthermore apple juice is delicious and combines nicely with a number of other nutritious fruits and vegetables such as juiced carrots, celery, spinach strawberries and lime juice.


Apples prevent heart attacks. This is because they contain phytonutrients the break down bad cholesterol. One of the great things about apples is that even the juice is a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber in the juice prevents cholesterol from forming on your artery walls which in turn helps reduce the risk of heart attack.  This fiber also absorbs toxins in the intestinal tract and helps cleanse the bowels and get them moving.


If you are a smoker you definitely need to drink your apples as a Dutch study has found that doing so every day can reduce your risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Drinking your apples can also help allay the aches and pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism. This is thanks to the generous amounts of potassium that are in each one. The juice flushes out the sodium and acids that keep your body sore.  Apple juice also flushes out the liver so you are less toxic in general.  The faster you can recover from exercising the faster you will be able to get back up again and lose even more weight.