Dropping Pounds Means Dropping Your Baggage

By Jennifer

Losing pound s is all about losing your emotional baggage. Many people who drop their resentments and emotional issues tend to lose weight as well. It is because psychologically they are not always triggered to eat by the negative thoughts from the past that are always in their head.


The reason that most diet and exercise programs don’t work is that they are based on deprivation.  The problem with this is that angry overeaters are made even angrier by deprivation.  They are especially affected by a lack of food or rest. That is why exercise and diet regimens that feature limited rest or limited caloric intake or limited food choices just don’t seem to work.

What does seem to work is rewarding yourself for a job well done. For instance if you go to the pool and manage to swim thirty laps rather than your usual ten laps then it is probably perfectly alright to reward yourself with a treat. The key thing to remember is that if you are going to reward yourself with food that it should be less than 100 calories, especially if it is a sweet treat.


Of course you also have the option of not rewarding yourself with food at all. Many people reward themselves by going shopping. However if you don’t have a lot of money this may not be a good idea. Still buying yourself a little something every now and then does help you feel less deprived, especially if you are on a strict diet or exercise regimen.

Rewarding yourself with an activity that you enjoy can also be a successful strategy when it comes to weight loss. This could mean taking a friend out to dinner, playing poker or whatever it is that makes you happy.


Issues to do with overeating can also be handled by coaching, counseling, therapy, hypnotism and changes to your nutrition and exercise regimes. A therapist or counselor is often very helpful as they can help you get to the underling emotional issues (the situations, people and events from the past) that are influencing your behavior. However even psychotherapy is not always a magic bullet when it comes to dealing with overeating issues. Sometimes the trauma of addressing the issues backfires and has the person eating even more than before.


The good news is that once you address the real reasons and address the root of your problems you can stop your emotional overeating and keep that weight off for good.